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If you’ve heard the inner call of your Spirit and have a deep knowing that the time for women to rise, individually and in groups, is now… Sage Counsel Women’s Circles with Shane may be what you’re longing for. Monthly women’s circles led by Shane are powerful, transformative healing sessions.


As women we’ve experienced the silencing and marginalizing of our voices and contributions to our families, workplaces, communities, and society at large for far too long. It’s time that we fully empower our Selves. Joining a women’s circle multiplies the power of our individual and collective voices. Women gathering supports our sisterhood and honors the Divine Feminine in all of us.


Witnessing and being witnessed by other women in a safe environment amplifies and strengthens self-awareness, deepens our intimate Soul connection with Self, others, and our environment, and facilitates personal transformation quickly and powerfully. Having a safe place to express experiences, feelings, patterns, issues, and longings is precious to our inner Beingness and honors the most sacred aspects of us and our lives overall. Participating in this way sends a clear message to your Spirit that you value inner exploration and growth and serves to bring that to fruition.




Individual Support For Transformation

Shane will be supporting each participant with intuitive Sage Counsel, teaching and using exercises and meditations created to transform, expand, and uplift your energy field, facilitating the up-leveling of your life experience.


Connecting With Guidance

We will use Angel and Tarot cards to hone the inner connection with your Highest Self, strengthening your personal guidance system and intuition.


Expand And Utilize Our Group Power For Good

We will utilize the power of your group to focus attention on valued and important world issues. Together we exponentially expand our power and learn to direct it purposefully. As a group we will shine our light out into the world!


Once A Month For 6 Mos., 3 hrs. Per Session, $120 Per Session

Groups will meet in-person monthly, with an initial six month commitment, for three hours each session and consist of no more than eight participants per circle. One half hour at the end of each session will be dedicated to social interaction. The monthly investment is $120. Beverages and nibbles will be provided.

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